Rodney Samuels Consulting: The State of the Market

With a solid start to Spring on the weekend it is interesting to still see some journalists that almost obsessively wish the market to fail still writing negative articles.

A clearance rate of 76 per cent was recorded this weekend compared to 77 per cent last weekend and 76 per cent this weekend last year. There were 841 auctions reported to the REIV this weekend, with 643 selling and 198 being passed in, 76 of those on a vendor bid.

We had another weekend where there were good consistent results achieved in the market. Yes there were some properties that didn’t sell or sold for more than was anticipated but that is perfectly normal.

It is ok for the market to reject some properties as they may not suit the area they are in or the vendor may simply want to much.

I feel that we are currently in the midst of a very healthy market due to strength in the economy even if the media would like us to believe otherwise.

It is very easy to talk the market and economy down with no evidence but it is hard to convince them otherwise when we have 12 months of consistent performances.

I would be happy to discuss at length my thoughts on the State of the Market if you have any questions, please feel free to get in the touch.

Send us a message and we will get back to you promptly.
0402 149 966