Rodney Samuels Consulting: The State of the Market

With Spring upon us will we see a strong Spring market or the continued uncertainty caused by having a uselessĀ  Government who think they are experts on everything.

A 77% clearance rate was achieved on the weekend with strong bidding at auctions, although we are still seeing low numbers of available properties.

Scheduled Auctions
Reported Auctions
Total Sold
Total Passed In
Clearance Rate

What we are seeing is a lot of low quality investment grade property being put on the market.

This is caused by the point raised in the first line.

We have a State Government obsessed with the concept that property owners are there to be fleeced and should be taken for all they can, as they are rich greedy property owners.

Sadly what we are seeing is the fable of the golden goose playing out in real life, except the Golden Goose are the property owners.

We all know how that ended maybe someone should drop a copy of Aesop’s Fables in to Spring Street.

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0402 149 966